Who the Heck is Gwendle?
"Gwendle" is a semi-pseudonym. It comes from a nick-name I acquired at a former workplace, and which I sometimes use to refer to myself in the third person. Basically, Gwendle is me simplified and exaggerated.
So Who the Heck are You?
I am a non-binary human with nerdish leanings who rises early, and enjoys reading, going for walks and hikes, and practicing mindfulness — and who prefers to keep their "real" name off the internet for the time being. I am not a gamer in the sense of video games or role playing games, but I do enjoy board games. Favourites include Settlers of Catan, Kill Dr Lucky, The Battle for Greyport, The Red Dragon Inn (in which my favourite character is Pooky), Clank! and Concept.
I used to have many more hobbies and interests, including knitting and crochet, rock climbing, drawing, playing ukulele, going to the gym, cooking and baking, etcetera . . . sadly, repeated shoulder dislocations severely limited my use of my right hand and arm for several years, and then in December of 2022 a broken wrist resulted in surgery, complex regional pain syndrome, and almost complete loss of the use of (and ability to properly move) my right (dominant) hand. So my newest “hobby” is doing twenty to forty minutes of physiotherapy every two hours between 6:00am and 8:00pm. Much fun. Very recommend.
My other remaining hobby is sarcasm.
I have been an un-professional writer for many years. When I was much younger I wanted to write novels, I went through a poetry “phase”, and I have attempted this blogging thing before (and before, and before . . .) but without much success or stick-to-it-iveness. Part of me still thinks I'd like to write a novel, or at the very least a novella, someday; but at the moment such a task would be far too ambitious. Semi-regular blogs will be enough of a challenge for now.
updated: 2023 march 7