If At First . . .

Well, inquisitive reader, over the years I have made several attempts at maintaining a creative web presence. 

Once upon a time in the 1990s the internet was relatively new, and I had a website called "Iggo's Omniverse" hosted on Tripod.  There I showcased some of my writing -- essays, poetry, and the first few chapters of the fantasy novel I was writing at the time, as well as some marginally journal-like stuff that could have passed for a blog before blogs were called that.  I wish I had a screenshot or two to show you -- the background was black with random clusters of white pixels that Tripod said represented stars, my website banner contained an image of a spiral galaxy, and the links were all on various animations of crudely rendered spinning planets.  Websites in the '90s were epic.

For a few years I had a livejournal account through which I made some good friends (hello Heather and Hana!).  Slightly overlapping that I had a myspace on which I posted some bloggish things, but not for very long, nor with any kind of regularity. 

Most recently I had a blogger/blogspot account, and that was probably the first time I made a real attempt at actual blogging.  It was also the first time I decided to illustrate my blogs with weird little stick figures. 

That was the blog I was referring to, in which I hadn't posted anything new since January of 2014.  Some of the blogs here are re-writes of blogs that I posted there -- if you were among the half-dozen people who read them I would like to apologize for repeating myself, and assure you that there will be more new content here than old.

In the past I have decided I wanted a blog, made the free account, posted things as I wrote them (sometimes multiple posts in a single week, sometimes nothing for several months) and then when the amount of time since I posted became too long, I quit. 

This time I have a plan:

  • To make sure that I keep up with my publishing schedule, I have a stock-pile of pre-written blogs; so if I miss writing some weeks it won't be a disaster. Also, squarespace lets me pre-schedule publication which helps to keep me organized.

  • Squarespace accounts are not very expensive (this is costing me less than Netflix for the year) but they do cost money. Hopefully that will keep me feeling like I should use the service so as not to have wasted my money.

  • This time I have done more to promote the blog, because having readers is a good motivation for writing.


So thank you to all of my REAL readers for joining me on this little adventure.  Thank you for reading, and thank you for commenting, and thank you for inviting your friends.  It makes my day :)